Thursday, September 25, 2008

I really, really, really, REALLY love baguettes.

How was your afternoon??? This was mine....

The first is the towers of La Rochelle.
The second is the Port of Minimes
The third is of the Plage de Minimes (Minimes Beach) which has on the left "The most beautiful place in the world," and the light house at the end of the world (small dot looking thing on the left).

As you can see, I walked around La Rochelle today :). It was nice, though I received many blisters from my adventure. I love just wandering. I got myself lost at one point, then saw our school we attended last year, Sup de Co, and knew where I was immidiately. Im gettin gmore confortable using my French. I dont know what it is, but something about me must scream I AM FRENCH, because people come up to me and start asking me something in French. I dont understand and I dont want to keep asking them, "What? What? What?," so I just say, "Je parle francais un peu, desole!" (I speak a little French, sorry!) And they seem to be really cool with it. I wish I could respond to them, but, though I have gained confidence, I havent gained that much, plus, it's frustrating for the both of us. It's happened twice in two days that people have come up to me. A young girl yesturday and a older-ish man today.


I walked all around La Rochelle today. It was wonderful. Hearing all the sounds from the port and the beach brings back so many memories, so many WONDERFUL memories. It was nice just to be by myself, lost in my own thoughts. I love this place so much. I also love the French way of life, but Im not sure if I could do it the rest of my life. Now, dont get me wrong, I love the come to work whenever, have a two hour lunch, go at your own pace, kind of life, but Im American and Im so used to getting things done when I need them done! Haha. For example, when I say the French take a two hour lunch, I mean a two hour lunch, all 120 minutes of it. And it's just not business people, its everyone. Cell phone places, clothes places, banks... EVERYTHING! Maybe it just that we've been going to places during the wrong time, but it seems like it happens a lot. I guess Im just used to being able to go to a store and get my things at anytime I want. Living the French life will be interesting and fun. Ill just have to get used to taking my two hour lunch as well :D

Also today, Lee, Laura (two other American assistants) and I went to get phones. They will be here, via the mail, on Monday (hopefully). I got a pink slider phone! Yay for pink! :) We then ate a yummy sandwhich, fed the pigeons and went our seperate ways. Lee and Laura went to Ile de Re. Ill get there someday. I have many to choose from :). Tomorrow brings grocery stores and paying off my place for October. I love giving away thousands of dollars in one go :)

Well, time to go pop my blisters (I know you wanted to know that)!

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