Sunday, November 23, 2008

My stomach hurts from eating too many Red Vines!

WOW! With a snap of the fingers, I am over two weeks behind on this thing. I am amazing, I know. Haha. 

Well, a lot hasn't been going on. Once I arrived back from Corsica, I fell in to the routine of my school week...

Monday: 8:30-11:00 at a school near my house, I walk
Tuesday: 8:30-2:30 at a school a millions miles away from my house, 2 bus rides away
Wednesday: no work, but I do a private tutor lesson for an hour from 4:00-5:00
Thrusday: 2:30-4:30 at a school sort of by my house, I ride my sweet bike
Fridays: no work

It hasn't been too bad. I kind of like the idea of a schedule to a certain extent. You know what to expect and what is coming. 

My Mom sent me a care package last week. It was amazing and was filled with: two bags of Red Vines, Skippy Natural Peanut Butter, peanut butter M&M's, Skittles, candy corn, cereal, Stove Top (for Thanksgiving), and a bunch of other goodies. I love it! 

During the last two weeks, besides going to school, I haven't done tooooo much. This weekend, Melissa (Siltman, my friend from MSU), came to stay with me from Thrusday-tomorrow which is Sunday. It has been nice. I need her here in France just as much as she needs me. We are like each others coach. We keep each other going. So it's nice when we are able to meet up and not talk via text or email. 

Next weekend is going to be great. A bunch of American assistants and I are having Thanksgiving at my place. We are inviting around 30 people. It will be such a great time. We are asking everyone to bring a dish to pass and a bunch of us are splitting the price of a turkey...because...the tureky is 13 euros/kilo. We are getting 5.5 kilos. So, we are paying about 70 American dollars for a 13 pound turkey!!!!! HAHA! OUTRAGEOUS, HUH?! But, we must have our turkey. It wouldn't be Thanksgiving without it! 

ALSO! My computer has a virus. Dumb, I know. I was just trying to get my weekly fill of Grey's Anatomy, when BAM! VIRUS! Ugh! Thank God Melissa came this weekend and brought her computer :). Hopefully I'll have it fixed soon or have a new one by Christmas. But, what do you do? 

The countdown is on: 31 days till Nick arrives in France :) 
And on that note: HAPPY BIRTHDAY NICK!!!!

What am I doing up at 2:38 a.m?!?!



Anonymous said...

hahaha, you rock. Yay to be staying up super late to FINALLY update your blog!!!

I hope you get your compy fixed soon, I miss you!!

Have a great Thanksgiving Amanda!! Have a ton of fun, 30 people??? Should be amazing!!

Anonymous said...

sorry to hear about your computer! wow sounds like thanksgiving was a big get together, hope it was fun!

yay for care packages!! :D