Tuesday, September 2, 2008

There's always a first!

HELLO!!!! (or must I say "Bonjour?!?!?!")


Im not in France...yet...



Ei ei ei! T-minus 16 days!!!!!!!!!!! My heart starts beating fast just thinking about it. I can't believe IT'S almost here. My day! AHHHHHHHH! So much do to, yet, but Im not sure if I want to start conquering! Im so excited to go, SO excited, but the whole 9 plus months is starting to get to me. I know Ill be fine, it's just the whole before jitter-y thingies. Plus, I will have a few visitors while I am there and that acutally makes me even more excited to be able to show them my world in France.

Things to do yet:
1) Get train ticket from Paris to La Rochelle via Poitiers.
2) Finish quizes (crosses fingers)
3) See my peeps in Mankato again and have a BLAST with them on Friday.
4) PACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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